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I told you I had big plans for this page and here they are: 

I am going to post the quick notes version of our meeting minutes. a lot of details wont be added but we always love to hear from all parents if there are questions. 

Sept. 13th meeting (First one of the year!)


-OT Teacher came in to present her request for OT items to be readily available in each classroom. *Motion approved*


-Tim's report:

He told us about the new key fob situation and told us we had a new 3 new staff members. 


-Volunteers will be needed to pass out pasta from Fundraiser.


-We are working on doing a Halloween Carnival, things are coming along nicely. 


-Holiday craft paper is almost ready to be sent out to fill up tables. 


-pumpkin Patch trip is all set up. 

we will provide dinner for Teacher on one late night conference (Thursday) we will serve crock pot soups. parents can donate desserts. 


Citizen Advisory meetings meet one Monday a month. our current person is unable to continue so we are looking for that position to be filled. members of the district meet up and discuss important school information. 




Oct. 11th meeting. 


-Pasta sales did Great! there was 4+ kids who broke $100 in profit with their sales. Overall sales we made $6,011 which means our profit is $2,929! that's awesome. Our next fundraiser will be Butter braid.

-We really liked how skate night ended up being before a non student day. We are going to try and set it up that way again next year.

-We have a Mixed Bags fundraiser set up for the spring. we were thinking of selling pasta again along with it. 

-Your students should be seeing our box tops board coming along. Amanda is working on it and its super cute. 

-Holiday Market flyers were sent out. If you or someone you know wants to join we will be hosting it November 17th. 

-Parent Group provided soups, and desserts to the staff for conference night. 

-MOD Pizza Day will be on December 18th

-Our goal this year is to be more engaged with all the parents and families that are at our school.

-We have heard that our spirit ware is a little on the pricey side. We are getting in touch with a couple of other schools around here to see who they get spirit ware from.


Tim gave us a really cool article here's the link so you can all see it too! 



Want more info on the Holiday Market? We got you covered. follow the arrow and click the button. 

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